« Une seconde d’éternité » à la Bourse de Commerce – Pinault Collection – 18 et 23 novembre 2022

Vendredi 18 novembre et mercredi 23 novembre 2022 :

Exposition « Une seconde d’éternité » à la Bourse de Commerce – Pinault Collection

Rendez-vous devant la Bourse de Commerce au 2 rue de Viarmes, 75001 Paris

Une réponse à “« Une seconde d’éternité » à la Bourse de Commerce – Pinault Collection – 18 et 23 novembre 2022”

  1. My name is Eva and I am 19 years old. One day when I was 5, I realized that I really wanted to study directing in France. It has been my dream since childhood, the dream of a girl who is not from a rich family, in which no one believed, but I always knew that everything in life is possible. At the age of 18, I graduated from school with excellent grades and went to Israel to grow up and become an adult. All year, while my former classmates were having fun, I worked and studied, but I did it for the dream of becoming a director. I graduated from a graphic course, a dance course, worked in production and as a photographer, as well as with children, because I could help them, believe in them. At 19, I realized that I was ready. I saved up money for a ticket, found a family and went to France as an Au Pair. However, I was disappointed here – we did not get together with the family, and my open heart and sincerity, which I carried so much into the family, was superfluous. We broke the contract and I was left with nothing. I am now in France with the same dream, being the same brave 19-year-old girl who moved for the sake of a dream – to study here at the university. I have nothing and I really don’t want to leave, because I have done so much for the sake of a dream. I need help now. I have never asked for help, but I am looking for a job, an opportunity to learn a language and live in a country that I have dreamed of since I was 5 years old and so close to the dream. I really hope that you have any ideas of study, housing and work. Visa opportunities and fulfillment of my dreams. Waiting for your reply.
    With love and sincerity,

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